Conscious Learning Community

Rabbi Ori Har Digennaro of CLC

Born in Israel, Rabbi Ori Har DiGennaro now lives and works in Boulder, CO; Ori is married to Oz DiGennaro, has two children, two step-children and two grandchildren.

Reb Ori has been providing spiritual counseling for over fifteen years.  She received ordination as a Spiritual Director (Mashpi’ah Ruchanit), a Sage-ing® Mentor and as a Rabbi from ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. She co-founded and directs the Conscious Learning Community – A Center for Spiritual Friendship in Boulder – an interfaith center for Hashpa’ah in many forms. She serves as a spiritual director for individuals, and groups, as well as leading Sage-ing and Death and Dying workshops.

As a life long student of Research in Consciousnesses, Reb Ori is a practitioner of Mondo Zen, ILP, embodied Torah, yoga, and ecstatic dance. She has been an adult educator of Biblical Hebrew, Kabbalah and meditation for over twenty years. She is on the faculty of Aleph Mashpi’ah Program and teaches in the Embodying Spirit, En-spiriting Body Leadership Training. Rabbi Ori Har (under the pen name of Dorit Har) is the author of God Speaks Here and Now: A Guide for Living.

The Sage-ing® program is based on the Spiritual Eldering work, building on the teachings of Reb Zalman and the books, From Age-ing to Sage-ing® and,
The December Project: An Extraordinary Rabbi and a Skeptical Seeker Confronts Life’s Greatest Mystery, by Sarah Davidson.