Upcoming & Ongoing Programs

Upcoming Event:

Shavout 2024

יום זה לישראל אירה ו שמחה

Finding Light, Joy & Rest
Through Shabbat

Tuesday, June 11
7:15pm – 12:30am
Congregation Bonai Shalom
1527 Cherryvale Rd, Boulder, CO 80303
Cost: Free

Sponsored by Haver, the Rabbinic Council of Boulder


7:15pm – 7:45pm two sessions offered

Option 1: Shabbos and The World to Come: Connecting the Dots
With Morah Yehudis Fishman

Our sages tell us that Shabbos is a “semblance” of the World to Come. What does this mean and how do we ‘get there?’ It seems like hard work and yet, Shabbos is a day of rest. We will explore some of the linguistic clues, such as ‘Oneg (delight)’ that can help us experience this exalted state that is also known as“One sixtieth of the World to Come.”

Option 2: Shavuot Yoga for Receiving Divine Wisdom
with Jenna Zakada

Join us for a gentle 30-minute yoga flow to tune into this holiday of revelation and open up your body to receiving divine wisdom. We’ll take time to breathe, meditate, and move together to deepen into this month of harmony, collective unity, and wholeness.

7:45pm – 8:00pm Niggun and Kavanah

Soulful preparation for bringing in the holiday.

8:05pm – Candle Lighting

8:15pm – 9:15pm Rabbi’s Panel: Orah v’Simcha – Light, Joy and Rest

Panelists include

Rabbi Jamie Korngold, Adventure Rabbi
Rabbi Lynne Goldsmith, Adventure Rabbi
Rabbi Marc Soloway, Congregation Bonai Shalom
Rabbi Diane Tiferet Lakein, Congregation Nevei Kodesh
Moderated by Rabbi Fred Greene, Congregation Har HaShem

9:15pm – 9:45pm Maariv, two evening service options

Option 1: A traditional Maariv service with Rabbi Marc Soloway
Option 2: A contemplative service with Cantor Devorah Avery

9:45pm – 10:15pm Kiddush & Snacks, including homemade cheesecake!

10:15pm – 11:00pm

Shamor v’Zachor B’Dibur Echad – Keeping and Remembering, Guarding and Focusing: Exploring Different Aspects of Shabbat
with Rabbi Fred Greene & Rabbi Marc Soloway

Shabbat is central to Jewish life and together we will learn and discuss some of the concepts and practices from traditional and contemporary sources with an exploration of the relationship between keeping and remembering.

11:15 – 11:45pm

Learning and Receiving Torah Together
with Rabbi Marc Soloway

Shavuot study session in “havruta” using resources from Hadar.

11:45pm – 12:30am

Teaching and midnight meditation
with Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

On Our Way to the Wedding: The Mystical Marriage of Shabbat and Shavuot

Common to both Shabbat & Shavuot is the notion of union or yichud. We will look at texts and practices to make this concept come to life, and then go outside to experience the mysticism of this sacred night.

Ongoing Event:

The Boulder Jewish Community Tu B’Shvat pledge to Plant 5780 trees before next Rosh Hashanah!

With this community pledge, we join J-Tree: Jewish organizations around the world who share a commitment to addressing climate change.

When you make your donation – please write out Boulder in the message box.

Planting and protecting forests, and repairing the damage already done to them, is essential to the survival of life in this time of climate crisis. JTree USA joins with partners from all over the world.  Celebrate your mother and Mother Earth by planting trees for Mothers Day 2020.
Watch this space for updates, planting opportunities and on our shared effort to reach 5780 trees! Go Boulder! Go Team!



Mental Health & Counseling Services

Food / Financial Assistance

Covid-19 Vaccine & Testing Information

BVSD.org (search Mental Health or Grief & Loss)

Community Reach Center

Colorado Crisis Services
Support line: 844-493-8255
Colorado Crisis Text: text TALK to 38255

Mental Health Partners
529 Coffman in Longmont

Mental Health Partners online

Mental Health Partners Wellness Education Center
834 S. Sherman in Longmont

Mental Health Partners
899 Highway 287, Suite 300 in Broomfield

Mental Health Walk in Crisis Clinic
3180 Airport Road, Boulder

National Alliance on Mental Health

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Low Cost Counseling Clinics